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Newly-Elected Officer Meeting

2009 July 8
by WCR President Linda Stanton


The newly-elected officers of the Washington County Republican Women had their first official meeting on July 7th, 2009. Subjects discussed were a WCRW website, creating a new mission statement for the organization, possible speakers for WCRW meetings and the assignment of duties for each officer. To see the meeting minutes in full, click on the “Officer Meetings” tab above!

The next Officers Meeting will be held July 15, 2009. All members of WCRW are encouraged to e-mail the officers with feedback about the organization. If you have ideas for a new mission statement, our website, or if you would like WCRW to become involved in your favorite charities or causes, please e-mail WCRW Secretary Elise Andersen at [email protected] with your ideas!

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