NFRW Political Briefing
2009 August 3
Health Care Hoax… |
![]() As the debate continues on health care reform across the United States and on Capitol Hill, Republicans are speaking out to set the record straight on the facts about President Obama and Democrats’ health care reform proposals. Republicans on the Hill have continued to be shut out from the legislative process in the quest for “bipartisan” health care reform.
House Republicans presented their own amendments to health care legislation being considered by three House Committees (Ways & Means, Energy & Commerce, and Education & Labor).
In a recent press release, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH)highlights over 31 amendments that were defeated by Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic leadership without serious consideration. Some of the amendments included proposals that eliminated the ‘public option’ plan, prevented government bureaucrats from determining patient treatment, removed requirements forcing employers to provide health care coverage for all employees, as well as a plan to help small businesses purchase health plans at lower costs. To read more about these blocked amendments, please click here.
In the Senate, Finance Committee Chairman, Max Baucus (D-MT), is working behind closed doors with five of his colleagues on the committee to present a health care proposal. While this proposal seemingly appears to take a more realistic approach than the House proposal, the same concepts are at the heart of this legislation. Universal coverage remains the main objective of health care legislation in both the House and Senate. For a great analysis of the Baucus plan, please click here.
**This idea was shared by members of our Texas Federation of Republican Women.**
The Kerr County Republican Party of Texas has provided a template letter and print ad they are using to reach out to local physicians, pledging their support to fight against nationalized health care. This is a template for you to modify depending upon whether your club, your county party, state party or your local physicians are interested in outreach on health care reform. Please click here to visit our Legislative Action Center. The templates are posted under the “Focus On The Issues” Section. ANYONE can do this. If you are not able to run an ad or find someone else to create one, coordinate a letter writing campaign.
With the upcoming Congressional Break, we will have the opportunity to really make an impact during the most critical point in the debate.
Let your voice be heard!
On the Hill |
On Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 13-6 to approve the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the United States Supreme Court. The full Senate confirmation vote is expected sometime next week.
Blue Dog Democrats are continuing to express opposition to parts of the health care overhaul proposals in the House. Their opposition is expected to help delay a vote on the House Democrats’ plan until after Labor Day.
On Tuesday, House Republicans launched a floor protest over the Democrats’ Health Care Proposals.
![]() On Monday, July 20, the NFRW issued a CAP ALERT on health care reform.
As one of the largest and most influential women’s political organizations in the nation, it is important to make our voices heard on this important issue.
Contact all Representatives and Senators today to let them know we want health care reform-but we do not support these plans!
For more information, check out the CAP ALERT.
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