Health Care Event, Friday August 21 at 12:00pm
I just received the following e-mail from a fellow conservative regarding an invitation she received to a event this Friday. is organizing a gathering in St. Paul to show Senator Franken that Minnesotans want nationalized health care. The local leader accuses “right-wing extremists” of “crashing” political events around the country and trying to “dominate” public debate over Obama’s agenda.
Lets make sure that their opinions are not the only ones heard at this event! Bring signs (No signs attached to sticks are allowed), flyers, and letters from your family and friends who are against government-controlled health care to show Senator Franken what his constituents truly think!
Stand tall and tell him what the REAL voices for change are saying!
Read the E-mail Below:
Dear Friends,
This call to action was sent out by a local leader. She is encouraging all members to gather at Sen. Franken’s St. Paul office to let him know Minnesotans want nationalized health care. I received this email as an encouragement to show up to help give a well-rounded perspective about what folks really want. The event is detailed below, but it is being held: Friday, Aug. 21, 2009, at 12:00 PM in Saint Paul at Senator Franken’s office.
“- From: “Nita Chaudhary, Political Action” To: “darlin” Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:18:26 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: Health care event in Saint Paul tomorrow On Friday, MoveOn members are gathering in Saint Paul to show Sen. Franken that constituents are counting on him to support real health care reform. Can you make it?
Your local MoveOn Council is organizing an important event tomorrow in Saint Paul—can you be there? We’re taking action at events like these because this is a make-or-break moment—right-wing extremists are crashing political events around the country and trying to dominate the public debate over President Obama’s agenda. We can’t let that happen in Saint Paul. Local MoveOn members are making sure Sen. Al Franken knows that we’re counting on him to support health care reform with a real public health insurance option that will help expand coverage and bring down costs for all of us. The event is on Friday, Aug. 21, 2009, at 12:00 PM in Saint Paul.
Location: Al Franken St. Paul Office Here’s the description provided by the event host: This is a flyering and letter drop-off event. We’ll gather letters from our friends and families in support of a strong public option, and drop them off at Sen. Al Franken’s office. During that time we will do a honk and wave and hand out flyers. The time to show our support for real health care reform is now! Minnesotans can’t afford to wait! Let’s let Al Franken know he’s got our support and that we want him to stand strong. We’ll meet in front of Sen. Franken’s St. Paul office building (the Federal Building and U.S. Court House). We’ll hand out flyers and hold up signs. Please bring signs, but be aware that signs on sticks are not allowed. Thanks for all you do!
Sen. Franken needs to hear from his local constituents. Right-wingers are doing everything they can to hijack the debate—they’re even using fraudulent tactics, like bringing people who don’t live in the district to town halls.1 That’s why we’re organizing “Real Voices for Change” —an ambitious campaign to show that the overwhelming majority of Americans continue to support Obama’s plans for change. We have numbers on our side, but Sen. Franken won’t know it unless we all show up. Coming to this event is a timely and easy way to make sure thoughtful constituents are heard in the public debate over health care. Can you join us on Friday at 12 p.m.?
Thanks for all you do. –Nita, Anna, Ilya, Matt, and the rest of the team.”
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