DFL Donut Booth?
Yes, you heard it right. The DFL has their very own mini donut stand at the Minnesota State Fair. KSTP featured the Grandstand Mini Donut Stand in a news story in 2008. If you coudn’t tell by the name, the stand is located right next to the Grandstand. It is owned by a DFL PAC which in 2007 donated $40,000 to DFL legislative candidate’s campaigns. So if you bought your mini donuts from that stand, the proceeds went to the DFL. Ouch, That will give you a stomach ache.
To see the full KSTP news story, Click Here
What is the moral of this story? If you find yourself craving a nice, hot bag of mini donuts while you are visiting the fair, purchase them from a non-DFL PAC booth! I especially like the ones from the Tiny Tim’s booth. The owner is a nice man, always hands my family some freebies out the back door (Don’t tell him I said that).
To the MN State Republican Party: You might want to look into purchasing a corn dog booth. We could beat them at their own game!
To the rest of you: stay cool, enjoy the fair with your non-DFL mini donuts and visit candidates at the Republican Party Booth! The Republican Party Booth is located at 1702 Carnes Avenue and is open 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. everyday.
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