First WCRW Meeting with Barb Davis White
What an outstanding speaker for our first meeting of the season! Barb Davis White was absolutely terrific, getting us pumped up and ready to go for the next election cycle! WCRW met on September 12th at the Lake Elmo Inn in Lake Elmo, MN. President Lee Bohlsen quickly went over new additions to our group such as the website and blog and also the importance of memberships. Then, the floor was given to Barb Davis White. Barb chose the Washington County Republican Women to be the first to hear that she has decided to throw her hat back into the ring and run against Keith Ellison for Minnesota’s 5th Congressional Distric! How exciting that she choose the first WCRW to announce her election campaign for 2010!
Hopefully I will have video of the meeting put up soon, so check back soon!
Donate to Barb Davis White’s Campaign at!!
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