NFRW Political Briefing 11/16
2009 November 24
tags: 2009 Copenhagen Summit, Barack Obama, Global Warming, Health Care, National Federation of Republican Women, politics, Republican Party, Washington County Republican Women
by WCR President Linda Stanton
![]() The lack of agreement over cap and trade legislation in the United States Congress has led to the postponement of a global climate change treaty. The outrageous cap and trade bill passed by the House this summer has come under intense scrutiny as more research has shown the devastating impact of the bill on the American economy and middle class families. The Senate will probably not consider any climate change legislation until sometime next year.
The majority of Americans have been reluctant to support the United States taking on the economic and financial obligations of leading the world in drastic measures to combat climate change without the commitment of other developing countries. Other large industrial nations like India and China have remained noncommittal to the prospect of signing on to any legally binding international climate change agreements.
Keep the Heat on Health Care!
As health care legislation moves to the Senate over the next few weeks, the NFRW has issued a CAP ALERT on health care reform. Read more here.
UPDATE: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) will be pushing for a “motion to proceed” vote this week which would allow debate on the health care bill to begin in the Senate. He needs 60 votes to pass this motion, which could be difficult because of some Democrat and Independent Senators’ objections to certain provisions. If this motion does not pass, it is likely consideration of a health care bill would take place next year.
Make YOUR voice heard on health care reform! Every phone call, letter, email, fax, etc. counts!
On the Hill
![]() Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is preparing to keep the Senate in session through the beginning of next week in order to start the debate on health care legislation.
Liberal members of the Senate are putting pressure on Sen. Reid to stand behind the public option insurance provision in the Senate health care bill.
Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) will insist that the health care bill is read aloud on the Senate floor.
Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) is leading the push to bring Guantanamo prisoners to an IL prison saying that it would boost the local economy.
Senator Sessions (R-AL) has vowed to filibuster the nomination of David Hamilton to the 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals.
House Republicans are saying Democrats are delaying conference committee on a spending bill because they are afraid the GOP will attempt to stop the transfer of Guantanamo prisoners.
House Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D-WI) is angry at the Obama Administration for the outrageous reporting error on an official website set up to track stimulus dollars.
House Democrats are not speaking out on President Obama’s delay in choosing an Afghanistan strategy. House Democrats are saying they will move a jobs package this year to address rising unemployment.
In the NY-23 race, Hoffman has “unconceded” after the vote margin narrowed during the count of absentee ballots.
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