Local Government Forum
For our members in the Stillwater Area, there will be a local government forum held tomorrow at the Oak Glen Golf Course. This may be a good event to attend!
Wednesday, February 10, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Oak Glen Golf Course, 1599 McKusick Road, Stillwater
Response has been strong, but it’s not too late to RSVP for tomorrow’s event! Call 651-439-4001.
11:15 a.m. Registration & Networking
11:30 a.m. Lunch & Program
Join us for a panel discussion with local government leaders as they give their insights into 2010, what that means for local businesses, and answer your questions.
Panelists include:
- Stillwater Mayor Ken Harycki
- Bayport Mayor Jonathan Nowaczek (invited)
- Lake Elmo Mayor Dean Johnston
- Oak Park Heights Vice Mayor Mark Swenson
- Washington County Commissioner Bill Pulkrabek
- Washington County Commissioner Gary Kriesel
Moderated by: Marty Foote, KLBB Radio
Please submit your panel questions to [email protected]. Open Q&A will be available, time permitting.
$10 Chamber Members, $15 Non-Members
This event is open to Chamber members, guests and the general public. To register for the Local Government Forum, please call the Chamber Office at 651-439-4001.
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