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WCRW Meeting 10/09: Justice in Minnesota

2010 September 27

NEXT MEETING: Saturday, October 9th, 2010 at 9:00am

“Justice in Minnesota”

Join WCRW as we examine the judiciary during our next meeting on Saturday, October 9th, 2010. We will be welcoming 10th Judicial District Candidate Chris Penwell, newly endorsed by the MN Republican Party and Greg Wersal, candidate for the Minnesota Supreme Court. Chris Penwell has been a trial attorney for twenty-five years handling mostly business and commercial cases. He has litigated and arbitrated disputes involving over-regulation of property by the government, wind farms, faulty construction, minority shareholder disputes, employment disputes and contracts in sixteen states across the country. He will be discussing the role of a judge in the 10th judicial district, the importance of judicial temperament  and impartiality, and the progress of his campaign.

In 2002, Greg Wersal won a case before the U.S. Supreme Court that permitted judicial candidates to state their views on legal issues and seek political party endorsement. Recently, Wersal challenged rules created by the Minnesota Supreme Court that prohibited judicial candidates from personally soliciting campaign funds unless the candidate’s audience consisted of at least 20 people. The United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit agreed with Wersal that the rule violated the First Amendment guarantee of Free Speech. Another rule that prohibited judicial candidates from endorsing other candidates for office was also struck down. Greg Wersal will examine judicial elections and the importance of creating and maintaining free, open and competitive elections, as well as updating Washington County Republican Women on the progress of his campaign.

Our meetings begin at 9:00am at the Lake Elmo Inn in Lake Elmo, Minnesota. $20 for non-members and $15.00 for members, also includes a fabulous breakfast provided by Lake Elmo Inn! Those who choose to do without breakfast are eligible to pay a discounted rate of $10.00.

YOU MUST RSVP to the meeting by Thursday, October 7th so that we can have an accurate breakfast count! Please RSVP to Heidi Schumacher by evite, phone (651)739-9053 or e-mail at [email protected].

Pre-pay for the meeting on the WCRW website at

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