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WCRW Meeting 3/12: Gambling Expansion and Racinos, Part I

2011 February 24

NEXT MEETING: Saturday, March 12th, 2011 –  9:00am

Gambling Expansion and Racinos, Part I

Join Washington County Republican Women on Saturday, March 12th at 9:00am at Lake Elmo Inn in Lake Elmo, MN as we welcome our guest speaker, former Senator Dick Day, to discuss gambling in the state of Minnesota, its expansion and the possibility of a racino.

Former Senator Dick Day served six-terms for District 28 and is a former minority leader. He resigned from the Minnesota Senate in 2010 to lobby full-time as President of RacinoNOW, which seeks to install video and slot machines at Minnesota horse tracks as well as increase purses.

$15 for members, $20 for non-members – includes a fabulous breakfast provided by Lake Elmo Inn. Those who choose not to eat breakfast may pay a discounted rate of $10.00 per person.

Pre-Pay for the meeting on our website at using the Member Center, or pay at the door.

YOU MUST RSVP to the meeting by Thursday, March 10th so that we can have an accurate breakfast count. Please RSVP to Vice President Heidi Schumacher by phone at (651)739-9053 or e-mail [email protected].

WCRW will be offering Part II “Anti-Gambling Expansion and Racinos” in April with guest speaker Annette Meeks, former Lt. Governor Candidate and Met Council Member.

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