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WCRW Vote for Independence

2011 July 18
by WCR President Linda Stanton

For many years, Washington County Republican Women has been affiliated with the Minnesota Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women. After much discussion during our last session, officers decided to put our affiliate status up for a vote. A ballot has gone out to all paid members and should be expected to arrive in your mailbox sometime this week. You will be asked to vote either in favor of our independence, or in favor of remaining affiliated with the Minnesota and National Federations. Only paid members for our 2010-2011 session will receive ballots and be eligible to vote.

Officers have spoken in favor of WCRW’s independence due to budgetary reasons. WCRW currently retains only one-fifth of the membership dues collected. Yearly dues for WCRW are $25.00, with $15.00 going to support the National Federation of Republican Women and $5.00 going to the Minnesota federation. This leaves our organization very little money to support itself. The officer’s goal is to grow membership substantially and create more opportunities for members and the public to engage in larger political forums, field trips, community events, and entice more well-known speakers while maintaining our current monthly breakfast meetings. We are unable to meet these goals with our current funding. Our current funding is only capable of maintaining how our organization is currently structured, leaving no room for growth without going over budget.

We have found over the past few years that our organization is more active in our local and state elections and other political activity. Many of our members work and spend their time campaigning for local candidates and policies. We need to capitalize on our strengths and grow in influence within our County and our State. We believe that we can have a greater impact if we use the increased funds we will gain as an independent organization to focus on promoting conservative values within our local communities.

Also, our current rules under our affiliation do not allow men to join our organization as full members. Men are only allowed to join as Associate Members, unable to vote on important group decisions and unable to fully participate. Officers proposed renaming Washington County Republican Women, creating instead the Washington County Republicans. Washington County Republicans would be open to all for full membership, creating more opportunity for growth within our organization and creating more revenue in the process as full memberships are more than associate memberships.

Though in favor of independence, officers also recognize that some members may want to retain their membership and the group’s affiliate status to the National and State federations. Founded in 1938,  the National Federation of Republican Women is a grassroots political organization with thousands of active members in local clubs across the nation, making it one of the largest  and most influential women’s political organizations in the country. They work to promote the same principles and objectives as Washington County Republican Women.

For those that would like more information on the Minnesota Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women, please visit their websites below:

Minnesota Federation of Republican Women

National Federation of Republican Women

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