WCR Monthly Meeting: “Constitution 101”
Professor Dale Carpenter teaches and writes in the areas of constitutional law, the First Amendment, and sexual orientation and the law. In 2007, he was appointed the Earl R. Larson Professor of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Law. He was the Julius E. Davis Professor of Law for 2006-07 and the Vance K. Opperman Research Scholar for 2003-04. Professor Carpenter was chosen the Stanley V. Kinyon Teacher of the Year for 2003-04 and 2005-06 and was the Tenured Teacher of the Year for 2006-07. Since 2004, he has served as an editor of Constitutional Commentary.
Professor Carpenter received his B.A. degree in history, magna cum laude, from Yale College in 1989. He received his J.D., with honors, from the University of Chicago Law School in 1992. At the University of Chicago he was Editor-in-Chief of the University of Chicago Law Review. He received both the D. Francis Bustin Prize for excellence in legal scholarship and the John M. Olin Foundation Scholarship for Law & Economics.
He is a frequent television, radio, and print commentator on constitutional law, the First Amendment, and sexual orientation and the law.
$15 for members, $20 non-members. Price includes full breakfast provided by Lake Elmo Inn. YOU MUST RSVP by Thursday, Oct. 13th to attend. You can do so by Evite – please sign up for our e-mail list in order to receive the evite by sending a request to [email protected]. You can also RSVP to the meeting by e-mailing Treasurer Linda Markowitz at [email protected].
Membership dues and breakfast fees can be paid at the door. Member Dues are $25 per person. Associate Membership is also offered for those living outside of Washington County, MN and is $15 per person.
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