WCR Meeting – 1/11/14
Washington County Republicans held its January meeting on 1/11/14. Marty Seifert (governor candidate) and Katherine Kirsten (Center for the American Experiment) joined us.
Marty Seifert talked about his desire to eliminate the Met Council and how important it is to open the mines in northern Minnesota. He emphasized his experience as a legislator as well as his ability to work with Democrats to move Minneasota forward.
Katherine Kerstin also spoke on the Met Council. She talked about the ‘new urbanism’ or ‘regionalism’ being put forth by many liberals, and especially those at the Met Council. This comes in the form of high density high-rises along transit stations. In essence, it is a form of punishment for the people who have moved to the suburbs by making it as expensive as possible to live in these areas. The drive is to get more people back into the cities. And because the Met Council is an unelected body, citizens find there is no recourse against these ‘urban planners’. Currently, the best that can happen is for a governor who will push to put an end to this bureaucracy, or at least, restict its power since the legislature is hesitant to abolish it.
Brian Marum
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