What about women in politics?
2015 September 14
Greetings! It was an interesting meeting Sat. Sept 12 with two members of the MEPS Board of Governors. MEPS, the Minnesota Excellence in Public Service series is currently recruiting women for the next class that will start in January 2016. You can see more information and find an application form at: http://www.mnexcellenceseries.com/
We have several members who are MEPS graduates: Rep Kelly Fenton, Rep Kathy Lohmer, former Rep Andrea Kieffer, Tina Arsenault, and Linda Stanton.
Next Meeting – Change of Date – please mark your calendar as the October meeting will be the 3rd Saturday, Oct. 17, same time 9 am at the Lake Elmo Inn (the restaurant is closed Oct 10). The speaker will be: Rep Matt Dean who will talk about his bill to repeal MNSure. Wouldn’t that be nice! To make a reservation please contact: Brian at [email protected] by Oct. 15.
Looking forward to seeing you in October.
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