Overcoming Environmental Tyranny!
2015 November 4
No, we’re not referring to that pesky squirrel who has you jogging to the bird feeder twice a week. No it’s the micro-management syndrome of government trying to control everything!
Join us – November 14, 9-11:00 am at the Lake Elmo Inn, RSVP by Thurs Nov. 12
Speaker: Don Parmeter, President MnPure (Property…Use…Rights…Enjoyment)
“Overcoming Environmental Tyranny: Toward Grassroots Conservation and Governance”
November will be the buffet – It’s great! To reserve contact: Brian at: 612-462-2163 or email him at: [email protected]
Cost: $20. non-member; $15. members and $10. Students. Join for the year: $25 and it will pay off in 5 meetings.
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