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Met Council, Light Rail and the Nanny State: Is Resistance Futile?

2017 May 19
by WCR President Linda Stanton

***We will be taking a collection for area food shelves during the winter and spring meetings. If you are so inclined please bring a non-perishable food donation*** Thanks to everyone for contributing to the food drive thus far!

You’re invited – Sat. June 10, 2017 from 9 – 11:00 am

Lake Elmo Inn, RSVP by Thurs June 8, 2017

Speaker: Jeff Johnson, Hennepin County Commissioner, former member of the Minnesota House of Representatives and a candidate for Minnesota Governor.  

He will speak on: Met Council, Light Rail and the Nanny State: Is Resistance Futile?

*We will also be electing new officers and are still looking for a treasurer, if you are interested contact Linda at: [email protected] or 651-428-7770.

To reserve contact: Brian at: 612-462-2163 or email him at: [email protected]

Cost: $20. non-member; $16. members and $10. Students. Join for the year: $25 and it will pay off in 5 meetings.

Each attendee will be eligible for the drawing for a door prize!

This will be the last meeting until September. We hope you can come!

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