Please Mark your calendar or sign up now!
We are having a special Membership Drive incentive: Sign up or renew before or on Sept 7, 2024* and be entered into a drawing for a $150 gift card for the Lake Elmo Inn! Dues $35/year – you can sign up at the link below. *The drawing will be held at the meeting on Sat Sept 7.
You’re invited: Sat. Sept. 7, 2024 from 9:00am to 10:30 am at the Lake Elmo Inn RSVP by noon Thursday. Sept. 5.
Agenda – Speaker: Andrew Marquardt, Nuclear Professional;
Nuclear Power – A Conversation
Andrew has a BS in Electrical Engineering and an MBA. He served as a Lt. Commander in the US Navy for 10 years as a nuclear submarine officer. He has worked at various nuclear power plants including: Cook, Diablo Canyon, Fermi and most recently at the Bruce Nuclear Plant in Canada. He is the son of our own Betty Marquardt (previous officer of WCR).
Cost: $21. for members; $23. for non-members; membership: $35. (optional); Students $12/age 12 and under; $21/13 and over . Student membership $15/year.
Make reservations at the link below:
Upcoming Meetings:
Oct. 5 – Candidate Day – candidates are invited to give short speeches
Nov. 2 – Jinny Choi – Socialism vs Capitalism
Linda Stanton and Officers
Washington County Republicans
[email protected]; 651-428-7770 (personal)
WCR April Meeting: Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders Today- Student Senate
You’re invited: Sat. Apr. 6, 2024 from 9:00am to 10:30am at the Lake Elmo Inn
RSVP by noon Thursday. April 4. Enjoy a delicious breakfast and hear great speakers!
Agenda – Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders Today- Student Senate
Student Senate President Maria Jose Plotts, Majority Leader Joel Amancharla and Secretary Layne Anderson will join “Governor” Dave Racer to show you this life-changing experience for teens. For more information go to:
Cost: $21. for members; $23. for non-members; membership: $33. (optional); Students $10/members – $12./non-members/membership $15/year.
Make reservations at the link below: