Patrick Vollmuth, VP, started our “Speak Out” open forum describing his hometown of Selfridge, ND. From family, the farm crisis to immigration history, etc. we learned about small town living in a family of 10. Len Ericson described his experience in Korea with the 1st Marine Corps Division and what happened with “Invasion Money” and the devaluing of currency (and what this could mean with the trend to digital currency). Last but not least, Estelle Senopole, educated us on how to change people’s minds by: listening, verifying, and questioning. How to get more people involved in Caucus and the WCR group. It was fun to hear what was on people’s minds. Many thanks to our speakers, you kept the audience engaged!
You’re invited: Sat. Jan 4, 2025 from 9:00am to 10:30 am at the Lake Elmo Inn RSVP by noon Thursday Jan 2.
Speak Out: Members plan to speak on a variety of topics: Small Town Living, Getting people involved, etc. (We have 4 people signed up to give a short talk and answer questions/have discussion). This was a lot of fun last time we did it.