It was a fun, informative presentation today by John Whelan with AMAC Action. Some fun trivia questions livened it up. We learned about the HEALTH Act HR 2986 that would make it easier for low-income patients to find a doctor by allowing private physicians to take a tax deduction for charity care. (Currently this is only allowed for charitable organizations). We also heard about AMAC’s legislative initiative to shore up Social Security which has been dipping into the reserves the last 3 years. By 2032/34 the program will be in a crisis. You can find out more at
Sat. Dec. 7 meeting – Federal Health Legislation
You’re invited: Sat. Dec. 7, 2024 from 9:00am to 10:30am at the Lake Elmo Inn RSVP by noon Thursday Dec. 5
Speaker: John Whelan, AMAC, Upper Midwest State Advocacy Rep (American Assoc. of Mature Citizens) on Health care initiatives at Federal level. Find out more at:
Cost: $21. for members; $23. for non-members; membership: $35. (optional); Students $12/age 12 and under; $21/13 and over . Student membership $15/year.
Twins Study comparing Capitalism and Socialism
Jinny Choi gave a fascinating yet ominous presentation comparing North and South Korea and the two different paths each country took after 1953. South Korea as a free market, Capitalist country has freedom and economic prosperity which far exceeds it’s northern brother. Concerned about the creep of utopian socialist tactics and ideology in America, our speaker is on a mission to educate Americans about what is at stake. Afterall, if America falls there is no place which will be safe from totalitarian control.